
(本文仅仅讨论前缀,后缀部分见 )

An affix is a linguistic unit that is added before or after a root or stem to change the meaning or part of speech of a word.In English, common affixes include prefixes and suffixes. A prefix is added to the beginning of a word, while a suffix is added to the end.




“un-“,表示 “不”、”非”、”无” 的含义,
如 “unhappy”(不快乐的)、

“in-“,表示 “进入”、”内部”、”不” 的含义,
如 “inside”(内部的)、

“re-“,表示 “再次”、”回归” 的含义,
如 “return”(返回)、

“dis-“,表示 “否定”、”分离” 的含义,
如 “dislike”(不喜欢)、

“pre-“,表示 “在前面”、”预先” 的含义,
如 “preview”(预览)、

“post-“,表示 “在后面”、”之后” 的含义,
如 “postpone”(推迟)、

“mis-“,表示 “错误”、”不当” 的含义,
如 “misunderstand”(误解)、

“over-“,表示 “超过”、”过度” 的含义,
如 “overcook”(煮过头)、

“out-“,表示 “外面”、”超出” 的含义,
如 “outdoor”(室外的)、

“sub-“,表示 “下面”、”次要” 的含义,
如 “submarine”(潜水艇)、

“inter-“,表示 “相互”、”在中间” 的含义,
如 “interact”(互动)、

“trans-“,表示 “横跨”、”穿过” 的含义,
如 “transport”(运输)、

“semi-“,表示 “半” 的含义,
如 “semicircle”(半圆)、

“super-“,表示 “超过”、”上面” 的含义,
如 “superior”(优越的)、

“anti-“,表示 “反对”、”对抗” 的含义,
如 “antiwar”(反战的)、





1 a- / an- (not, without): amoral (不道德的), anesthetic (麻醉的), atypical (非典型的)
2 ab- / abs- (away from): abnormal (异常的), abduct (绑架), abstain (戒绝)
3 ad- (to, toward): adapt (适应), adhere (粘附), advance (前进)
4 ante- (before, in front of): antecedent (前事), antebellum (战前的), antedate (预先日期)
5 anti- (against): anti-war (反战的), anti-social (反社会的), antibiotic (抗生素)
6 auto- (self): automobile (汽车), autobiography (自传), automatic (自动的)
7 bi- (two): bicycle (自行车), bimonthly (双月刊), bilingual (双语的)
8 circum- (around): circumference (周长), circumvent (规避), circumscribe (限制)
9 co- / com- / con- (with, together): cooperate (合作), community (社区), connect (连接)
10 com- / con- (with, together): combination (组合), commingle (混合), concur (同意)
11 de- (down, away): decline (下降), decrease (减少), devalue (贬值
12 de- (reverse, remove): decode (解码), defrost (解冻), demote (降职)
13 dis- (not, opposite of): disagree (不同意), disapprove (不赞成), disconnect (断开连接)
14 ex- (out of, former): ex-president (前总统), ex-girlfriend (前女友),exit (出口),
15 extra- (beyond, outside): extraordinary (非凡的), extracurricular (课外的), extraterrestrial (外星的)
16 fore- (before): forecast (预测), forehead (前额), forefather (祖先)
17 hyper- (over, excessive): hyperactive (过度活跃的), hypersensitive (过度敏感的), hyperbole (夸张)
18 hypo- (under, deficient): hypodermic (皮下注射的), hypothermia (低体温症), hypoglycemia (低血糖症)
19 im-not) impossible(不可能的)imperfect(不完美的) impatient (不耐烦的)
20 in- / il- / ir- (not): inactive (不活跃的), illegal (非法的), irregular (不规则的)
21 in- / im- (not): incorrect (不正确的), impossible (不可能的), inadequate (不充分的)
22 infra- (below, beneath): infrastructure (基础设施), infrared (红外线), infrastructure (下层建筑)
23 inter- (between): international (国际的), interstellar (星际的), interdependent (相互依赖的)interact (互动), international (国际的), intercept (拦截)
24 intro- (into, inside): introduce (介绍), introspection (内省), introvert (内向的人)
25 juxta- (near, beside): juxtapose (并列), juxtaposition (并列), juxtapositional (并列的)
26 macro- (large): macroeconomics (宏观经济学), macrocosm (宏观世界), macrophage (巨噬细胞)
27 micro- (small): microscope (显微镜), microchip (微芯片), micromanage (微观管理)
28 mis- (wrong, bad): misunderstand (误解), misbehave (行为不当), mislead (误导)
29 multi- (many): multilingual (多语的), multicultural (多元文化的), multimedia (多媒体的)
30 non- (not): nonstop (不停的), nonfiction (非小说类的), nonsense (无意义的)
31 out- (more, better): outperform (表现更好), outdo (超过), outshine (比…更出色)
32 over- (completely): overcome (克服), overjoyed (非常高兴的), overachiever (高成就者)
33 over- (too much, above): overcook (煮过头), overconfident (过于自信的), overestimate (高估)
34 para- (beside, beyond): paranormal (超自然的), parachute (降落伞), parallel (平行的)
35 para- (near, beside): parallel (平行的), paralegal (法律助理), paranormal (超自然的)
36 peri- (around, near): perimeter (周长), periscope (潜望镜), periphery (外围)
37 post- (after): postgraduate (研究生), postwar (战后), postscript (附言) , postsecondary (高等教育的), postmodern (后现代的)
38 淘宝网pre- (before): prehistoric (史前的), premonition (预感), prenuptial (婚前的) preview (预览), preheat (预热), prepay (预付款)
39 preter- (beyond): preternatural (超自然的), preterit (过去时), preterition (忽略)
40 pro- (for, in favor of): promote (促进), proactive (积极主动的), pro-choice (支持选择权的)
41 re- (again, back): return (返回), redo (重新做), rebuild (重建)
42 retro- (backwards, behind): retroactive (追溯的), retrograde (逆行的), retrospective (回顾的)
43 se- (apart): seclude (隔离), secede (脱离), sequester (扣押)
44 semi- (half): semicircle (半圆), semicolon (分号), semifinal (半决赛)
45 sub- (under, below): submarine (潜水艇), submerge (淹没), subordinate (下级的) submarine (潜水艇), substandard (不达标的), subconscious (潜意识的)
46 super- (above, beyond): superhuman (超人的), supernatural (超自然的), superstructure (上层)superpower (超级大国), superimpose (叠加)
47 tele- (distant): telephone (电话), television (电视), teleport (瞬间移动)
48 trans- (across, beyond): transport (运输), transatlantic (大西洋的), transgress (违反)
49 un- (not): unable (无能力的), unhappy (不快乐的), untrue (不真实的)
50 under- (not enough, below): undercooked (煮不熟的), underdeveloped (不发达的), underestimate (低估)





ID.6 CROZZ车身侧面比例相当修长,与之前上市的揽境略有几分相似,区别在于细节的处理上更活泼一些。车顶弧线向后方过渡平滑顺畅,且带有一丝下倾趋势,配合车身其它边缘处的圆润化设计,让更多消费者都容易接受。ID.6 CROZZ前后起伏的高腰线和外扩的轮拱,既起到不错的塑形效果,也为其增添了几分肌肉感。车身尺寸虽然不及现款揽境,但接近4.9米的车长和接近3米的轴距,已满足一辆中大型SUV该有的水平,同时也为车内第三排提供更多空间。

ID.6 CROZZ车身前翼子板处的铭牌表面,有不同版本的专属英文标识,是区分车型的重要部位之一。首发版和高性能PRIME版后视镜外壳也采用了高光黑色涂装,全系后视镜均集成LED转向灯带,支持电动调节和镜片加热,长续航PRO版、首发版、高性能PRIME版增加车侧摄像头,以及后视镜电动折叠、记忆、倒车自动下翻等功能。全系标配前后排车门无钥匙进入、车内无钥匙启动、以及远程启动功能,除PURE版和PURE+版外,其它三款车门把手均采用银色镀铬装饰。

ID.6 CROZZ首发版和高性能PRIME版上采用了全黑色车顶设计,全系侧窗上沿边框均延伸至D柱表面,在一汽大众旗下多款SUV上均有类似设计。标准续航 PURE版和长续航 PURE+版采用20英寸时尚铝合金轮毂,;轮胎匹配韩泰 ventus S1 evo 3系列,长续航 PRO版采用20英寸动感铝合金轮毂,轮胎匹配固特异EFFICIENT GRIP PREFORMANCE系列;规格均为前235/50 R20、后265/45 R20。首发版和高性能PRIME 版升级为更大的21英寸高性能铝合金轮毂,银黑双色花瓣样式看起来更时尚;轮胎匹配固特异EFFICIENT GRIP PREFORMANCE系列,规格为前235/45 R21、后365/40 R21。全系采用同级别少见的前通风盘、后鼓式制动类型,轮胎均支持零胎压继续行驶,车内标配胎压报警。