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但是酒吧文化一直在变。比如现在流行的microbrewery, speakeasy,到底是什么?





alcohol: 酒、酒精



booze (informal): 酒 (口语)



liquor: 烈酒



spirit: 烈酒,中国白酒就叫Chinese spirit



hooch: 烈酒 (口语)



moonshine: 自家私酿酒




We’ve got plenty of booze at the party: 我们开派对会有很多酒



He boozes too much/He boozes a lot/He hits the booze pretty hard: 他非常爱喝



BYOB (Bring your own booze): 自带酒出席,在派对的邀请里会缩写成BYOB



Booze, like alcohol, is an all-encompassing term: Booze跟alcohol一样,包括各种酒


美国买酒,要到liquor store

北美卖酒的店统称liquor store

In some states, you have to go to the liquor store to get liquor; there’re some states thathave liquor in the grocery store: 在美国,有些州规定只有酒类专卖店才能出售酒。但有些州,超市里就有卖酒

There’re also beer stores that only sell beer and wine, but no liquor: 也有些店叫beer store, 只卖啤酒和红酒,不卖烈酒



Liquorsomeone up: 灌醉一个人



He’s all liquored up: 他喝多了



形容酒量,千万别说I’m good at drinking或者bad at drinking.

最常用的说法是I can drink或I can’t drink,后面不用再另加名词“酒”。很简单吧!


I don’t drink/I’m not a drinker: 我不喝酒、我酒量不好



I can drink/I can drink a lot: 我酒量很好




I’m allergic to alcohol: 我酒精过敏



I turn red and itchy if I drink: 我喝酒就会皮肤发红发痒


I don’t really drink that much any more; I used to drink a bit more when I was younger: 我现在喝得少了,年轻的时候喝的比较多

The few times that I do drink now, I very quickly get headaches:我偶尔喝几次,但喝完都会头痛

Maybe I’m drinking crap: 可能我喝的都是劣质的酒

To turn red when you drink: 喝酒上脸

When some people get drunk, their eyes and noses turn red: 有些人喝醉了眼睛鼻子会发红

You don’t react to alcohol in the same way we do: 中国人和美国人对酒精的反应不同

You can spot an alcoholic from his red nose: 一个人是不是酒鬼看鼻子就知道啦

Moonshine: 不是月光族,是自家酿的酒





moonshine: 私酿酒



moonshiner: 自己酿酒的人


It’s no longer illegal now: 现在不是犯法的

The government’s cool with it as long as the alcohol content is low: 只要你酿的酒度数不是太高,政府不会管

Now, you can still call home-made booze moonshine: 现在,自己家私酿的酒还是可以叫moonshine

创新小礼物: DIY葡萄酒套装

美国很多超市都有卖wine kit, 一个能让你自己在家酿葡萄酒的小套装。里面有葡萄汁、酵母等原料,还有器皿。

You can buy wine kits in supermarkets and make your own wine at home: 超市里能买到葡萄酒DIY套装, 买回去自己酿

We used to have a neighbor who was from Italy: 我们家以前有个邻居是意大利人

They family grew grapes so they would make their own wine: 他们自己种葡萄,所以也自己酿葡萄酒

They would do it outdoors by putting grapes in a barrel and stepping on them to mash the grapes: 他们会在室外,把葡萄放到一个大桶里,然后拿脚把葡萄踩烂


中国人划拳,美国人的drinking game可不太一样。

Drinking game: 喝酒时玩的游戏

Finger-guessing game: 划拳

We don’t do that in America: 美国没有划拳

Some Americans would do beer bong: 美国有种啤酒游戏,就是把酒灌倒一个漏斗状的容器中,然后一口气喝完


Down it/chug it/guzzle it: 一口闷

Prohibition: 美国禁酒令时期




The Prohibition in the States started around 1920 and ended in the early 30s after the Great Depression hit: 禁酒令在美国始于1920年,在经济大萧条来袭后于30年代早期结束

But people still drank; they just had these secret bars, known as speakeasies: 但老百姓还是照样喝酒,只不过要去地下黑酒吧

Itr’s called speakeasy because you can’t tell people about it: 这种酒吧叫speakeasy, 因为你不能声张出去,跟之前说的moonshine异曲同工

Mobsters made a ton of money out of this: 黑帮靠非法卖酒发了大财

Al Capone: 臭名昭著的美国黑帮头目,禁酒令时期的风云人物




Many of the hottest bars in Shanghai are speakeasy-style bars: 现在上海最红的就是禁酒令风格酒吧

They have retro decor: 装修很复古

They serve Prohibition-era cocktails: 他们专做禁酒令时代的鸡尾酒

Craft cocktails: “功夫”鸡尾酒

Don’t order Cosmopolitan or Pina Colada in a speakeasy: 在speakeasy, 千万别点大都会、 椰林飘香这种大众化的鸡尾酒

Microbrewery: 精酿啤酒

大家对品质、手艺的要求越来越高。除了speakeasy, 还反映在啤酒上。

Microbrewery has become a global craze in recent years: 精酿啤酒这几年来风靡全球

To brew beer: 酿啤酒

To distill: 蒸馏

Mass market beer doesn’t taste good: 大众化、大厂牌的啤酒味道不好

Free-pour style cocktails: 不花心思随便调的鸡尾酒

All of that goes hand in hand with the foodie culture: 酒文化的复兴和吃货文化的崛起紧密相连

Microbrewery beers, craft cocktails and good food, who can blame them? 精酿啤酒、功夫鸡尾酒、美食,这些谁不爱?

If anything’s worth doing, it’s worth doing right: 既然做一件事就应该把它做好

“Consumption upgrade”: 消费升级

Consumers have become much more sophisticated: 消费者更讲究、更有品位了



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