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It happens all the time and Tonight just shows howSports/Entertainment will always be ignorant andobtrusive.


It’s one big SHOW that means Very VERY little in thereal world that most people live in because there areActually things that matter going on within it.


Like figuring out a life that means more to you thanA damn Ball going into a hoop, or learning how to grow up being in a fish bowl of a societybased on your popularity level as a person,


or even dealing with becoming the leader of your family after someone’s passing and notknowing how to deal with Life after it happens.


But, This Game of Sports entertainment matters more than someone’s mental heath and wellbeing right?


or the real life things that happen to people everyday but they still have to Perform for the NBAand its fans? Right?


It’s all about doing it for the fans and organization that love you so much?


Think again, It’s a GAME, and it’s promoted as a Fandom experience for ticket buyers andviewers at home, while defacing who people truly are as PEOPLE.


Then spat out all over these media networks as valuable food for thought while they actuallybelieve that their opinions hold weight to real cultural leaders that speak and act for change.


One big Gimmick with some smoke and mirrors! I always be the one that takes the stand andspeaks on the truth every time though.


A purposeful and spiritually led Life will always be bigger and more meaningful than any sportsarena or any entertainment space.


This GAME isn’t meant to be controlled and shown as a Drama, it’s meant to show the LOVE, Love for the Art is the Only damn thing that keeps the purist people in this GiantSports/Entertainment Circus.


Don’t fall for the Game that’s played in front of you as Entertainment, it’ll never be as seriousdealing with life.


主题分类词汇 15 (Athletic sports 体育运动)

1.sports meet/meeting 运动会 2.athlete (=sportsman) 运动员 3.team 队 4.team leader 领队 5.captain 队长 6.coach 教练 7.referee 裁判 8.match /competition 比赛 9.team event 团体赛 10.individual event 单项赛 11.championship 锦标赛

12.friendly match 友谊赛 13.invitational tournament 邀请赛 14.finals 决赛 15.semi finals 半决赛

16.game ( 一)局 17.set (一) 盘 18.fault 失误 19.foul 犯规 20.warning 警告 21.time out 暂停 22.penalty 罚球 23. serve 发球 23.placing 名次 24.champion 冠军 25.runner- up 亚军 26.spectator 观众

27.cheering section 啦啦队 28.sports fields 赛场 29playing area 赛区 30.goal 球门 31.net 球网 32.scoreboard 记分板 33.prize 奖品,奖金 34.cup 奖杯 35.certificate of award 奖状,证书 36.souvenir trophy 纪念品 37.badage 奖章 38.medal 奖牌

39.field and track sports 田径运动 40.field event 田赛 41.long jump 跳远 42.high jump 跳高 43.pole-vault 撑杆跳 44.shotput 推铅球 45.discus throw 掷铁饼 46.hammer throw 掷链球 47.handgrenade throw 投手榴弹 48.track event 径赛 49.underwater swimming 潜泳 50.diving 跳水 51.weight lifting 举重 52.arthery 射箭

53.shooting 射击 54.cray pigeon 飞碟 55.parashute jumping 跳伞 56.rowing

划船 57.moutaineering 爬山运动 58.motorcycling 摩托车比赛 59.cycling 自行车比赛 60.skating 滑冰 61.skiing 滑雪 62.fencing 击剑 63.wrestling 摔跤 64.boxing 拳击 65.push-up 俯卧撑 66.pull-up 引体向上 67.tug of war 拔河 68.shuttle cock 踢毽子 69.rubber-band skipping 跳橡皮筋 70.rope skipping 跳绳 71.setting-up exercise 健美操 72.hu la hoop 呼啦圈 73.chess 下棋